Our Space Award Portobello Community Garden

The Our Space project funding will support us install a roofed pergola which will serve as a sheltered training area for our future certificated training, meeting point and used in community activities (such as potting plants, craft activities, sowing seeds, etc) at the community garden. Guttering will be added to the pergola structure to harvest rainwater in water butts for future site projects growing organic fruit and veg using permaculture methods.

Any overflow rain water from water butts will be piped into a wildlife pond which will be created and planted with native plants as part of the project activities.

A new compost area will be created on community activity days which will support the fruit and veg growing projects at the site in a more sustainable way.

A willow archway structure will be created on community activity days that will help biodiversity, creating an inviting site and separating growing areas and some willow trees will be planted near the new pond.

We shall create a wildlife meadow using native wildflower seed mix, and wildflower bulbs. A new community garden community notice board installed to help increase participation at site activities.

The project activities will be run as family activities with specific activities to engage children of different ages (for example mud kitchen, tool work, craft and Forest School activities).